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Optical Services at Vision Health Institute

You can find customized solutions to your vision needs utilizing our professional expertise along with our optimal lens and frame choices. Find your favorite activity and/or professional work setting and see the lens recommendations for you.

Indoor Workplace

If you find yourself working in an office setting with florescent lighting and possibly working on a computer for a majority of the day, a no glare lens will benefit you. Special no glare coatings are available for most any type of spectacle lens. This treatment is much like those used for fine camera lenses. These coatings are particularly effective for reducing eye fatigue from working on a computer for long periods of time and eliminating glare from florescent light as well as from headlights from other cars while driving at night. To see a demo for no glare lenses, click here.

If you have problem seeing up close as well as in the distance, and find yourself spending a good amount of time on the computer, you might want to consider a progressive lens specifically made for people like you. Computer Progressive lenses correct your distance vision, intermediate, and near vision just like a normal progressive lens would, except with a computer progressive, the area made for your intermediate vision (which you would be looking through while working on a computer) has been made larger to make viewing the computer and your work desk area easier and more comfortable. If this is something that interests you, please talk to one of our associates about a computer progressive lens.

Outdoor Workplace

If you work mostly outdoors, you will want to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays from the sun. See below for some options you have to protect your eyes while outside in the sun:

A. Polarized Lenses – These lenses reduce and cut the glare from the sun and enable your eyes to be much more relaxed in harsh sunlight. These lenses are best when driving during the day as it cuts the glare bouncing off the car in front of you. This would also be an ideal choice for people who enjoy outdoor water activities such as going to the beach or fishing, as it cuts the glare coming off the water allowing you to look right through the ocean/lake. Polarized Lenses also protect you from UVA or UVB rays.

B. Transition Lenses – If your job requires you to move from indoors to outdoors, Transition lenses are something to look into. These lenses are versatile as they change from being completely clear indoors to darkening as they are exposed to UV rays from the sun outdoors. Depending on how bright it is outside determines how dark the lenses become. Once you walk indoors, or into the shade away from UV rays from the sun, the lenses begin to lighten up, it’s like having two pairs of glasses in one.

New Transitions Vantage Lenses

They darken. They polarize. They are your everyday lenses, reimagined.

There are clear lenses that can darken. There are sunglasses that are polarized. But never before have everyday eyeglass lenses seen able to both darken and polarize in bright, outdoor light. Until now.

We took the traditional Transitions lenses you know and love and added variable polarization – polarization that increases as the lenses get darker. And that means your vision gets crisper and sharper. Color contrast and perception becomes richer, vibrant and more vivid. All this, even in the brightest outdoor glare.

The world’s first and only everyday lenses that are virtually clear indoors and darken and polarize outdoors.

  • Noticeably crisper, sharper vision
  • Richer, vibrant and more vivid colors
  • Glass and water look more transparent outdoors
  • Glare is reduced to provide more comfort, even in the brightest sunlight
  • Blocks 100% of the sun’s harmful UVA & UVB rays

Below is an example of ordinary clear lenses on the left, and the new Transitions Vantage lenses on the right. Bright sunlight can cause glare when light scatters off reflective surfaces, which causes discomfort and dull, washed-out images. Polarization filters this light, so you get better clarity.

Computer / Internet / Television / Gaming

If you enjoy activities like surfing the internet, playing computer games, into digital photography, web design, or working intently on the computer then you would highly benefit with a lens that has a reflection free coating on it. With this coating, colors and contract will be much more apparent and your vision will be crisper. A reflection free coating will also prevent and help eye fatigue from spending hours viewing a computer monitor and/or television.  And, of course, Non-Glare Reflection Free lenses enhance your appearance by removing all distracting reflections.

Active Outdoor Lifestyle / Fitness / Sports

If you enjoy activities like hunting, fishing, camping, shooting, gardening, motorcycling, or wake boarding look below to see which of these many lens options you can benefit from:

A. Polarized Lenses – These lenses reduce and cut the glare from the sun and enable your eyes to be much more relaxed in harsh sunlight. These lenses are best when driving during the day as it cuts the glare bouncing off the car in front of you. This would also be an ideal choice for people who enjoy outdoor water activities such as going to the beach or fishing, as it cuts the glare coming off the water allowing you to look right through the ocean/lake. Polarized Lenses also protect you from UVA or UVB rays.

B. Transition Lenses – These lenses are versatile as they change from being completely clear indoors to darkening as they are exposed to UV rays from the sun outdoors. Depending on how bright it is outside determines how dark the lenses become. Once you walk indoors, or into the shade away from UV rays from the sun, the lenses begin to lighten up, it’s like having two pairs of glasses in one.

C. Contact Lenses – Contact lenses offer the best freedom while participating in active sports. Soft disposable lenses work the best, especially daily disposables which are used once and then thrown away at the end of the day.

The above products and treatments are not the only lens options available,  By helping us understand any unusual work or leisure activities which you are involved, we are better able to determine what lenses most suit your visual requirements.  We can tailor exactly the right lenses for all your visual needs.